The NPS subscribers(Under Tier 1 Category) can now make partial withdrawl from their National Pension scheme Account.

That too in a very simple manner

1.The applicant should be a NPS Subscriber for a minimum period of 3 years 

2.The applicant/subscriber should have updated mobile no/Email ID with the NPS.(if not, The same cane be done through concerned DDO(i.e H.O)

3.The subcriber can apply  for a maximum percentage of 25% out of her/his total contribution(Excluding Employer/Govt Contribution)

4.Withdrawal can happen maximum of three times during the entire tenure of subscription in NPS(Tier-1) Account.

5.Withdrawal is allowed only against the specified reasons, for example;
a)Higher education of children
b)Marriage of children
c)For the purchase/construction of residential house (in specified conditions)
d)For treatment of Critical illnesses


How to Request/apply Tier I Part withdrawal:(Request must be placed online only) 🖥️

    *At present There are 3 CRAs(NSDL Protean, CAMS,KFintech)are available. 

    *The applicant/subcriber may confirm about CRA who is dealing your NPS account

          (For Illustration purpose, Lets take that I have chosen NSDL Protean as CRA for my NPS account)

1. click or enter this website(

(First time user follow the steps. Else skip to Step7)

2. Use your credentials
(i).PRAN no as user id
(ii). Password

3. For resetting Password click reset password  (If you forgot password/First time user)

4.  Click Using OTP method  and set password

5. Click the link available in step1

6. Login

7. Check your profile

8. Kindly Ensure that all the important details(Email Id/mobile no/Bank account Details like Account no,IFSC code) are updated.

9. Click  the tab "online transactions"

10. Click  withdrawal- part 1 withdrawal

11. It will show your contributions. Click maximum eligible percentage 25%

12. Click submit.

13. Enter OTP received via email and Mobile no.

14. At the End, Acknowledgment number will be received for the request made

15. In most of the cases, The attachment(supporting Documents for withdrawl request) are not mandatory 

16. The amount will be credited into Bank Account in next 4-5 days. Meanwhile The subscriber  can track the status of her/his request anytime in webportal.



NPS PROTEAN app is available in Play store



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